The Depraved Samaritans of the Air Ambulance Services

We were going to take him right to the hospital. But his credit card got declined.

When Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, he was trying to explain to a lawyer how to get into heaven. We don’t know if the lawyer got the point or not — I’d bet not — but we do know one group of our fellow humanoids who definitely did not get the point: the people who come to our aid when we are so sick, or so badly injured, that we need to be rescued — after which they come after our savings, our homes, hounding us into bankruptcy if that’s what it takes to get their money. When Jesus said to the lawyer, referring to the Good Samaritan, “Go and do likewise,” this is not what He had in mind.

There needs to be a special place in Hell reserved for the new breed of air ambulance owners.  Increasingly, they are equity managers, people rolling the dice in the Big Casino with ORPM — Other Rich Peoples’ Money. Keep in mind that these are people managing the wealth of people who are already fabulously wealthy, and simply want more. These human buzzards spied a perfect business model in air ambulances: the customers are usually unable to talk, let alone negotiate a price, and even if they could, are too desperate for help to quibble. Continue reading