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This is the Song of Polly Anna, as sung by the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Chorus, or whistled while passing graveyards:

When the fat lady finishes singing the Song of Polly Anna, it’s over.
Verse #1: “Unemployment is down to 4.1 percent, lowest in 17 years. 1.5 million new jobs created since I took office.” (Contributed by the Tweeter in Chief.)
“Don’t be fooled by low unemployment numbers,” says The Hill, not exactly a fringe publication, of the latest report. Candidate Trump actually had it right when he ridiculed the government reports as lipstick on a pig, or, perhaps more to the point, cosmetics on a corpse. The numbers are curried and combed, annualized, seasonally adjusted, revised and updated not to reflect reality, but to replace reality with a shimmering vision of 1950.
Case in point: the latest report estimates that just last month, 968,000 American workers left the workforce. While some of these people are elderly, students or disabled, their numbers have been swelled by people who could be working, who want to work, but have given up looking for work. Thus it is true that the number crunchers somehow massaged the unemployment rate to a 17-year low, primarily by counting as unemployed only those people actively looking for work. Meanwhile the number of people not in the work force, and thus not counted in the calculation, has reached 95 million, its highest level in 40 years.
Verse #2: The stock market has had a one year rally, has reached its highest valuation ever, “because of me,” says the Chief Twit.
The stock market has been on a tear since March 6, 2009, when it hit a low of 6626 and began the drive for 23,000 and above. I forget who was president in 2009, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Twitterator. For most of that time, skeptics have been pointing out that stocks are hideously over-valued, with the market acting more like a casino in which traders gamble other peoples’ money on their expectations of what other traders are going to do. Now, traditional analysts such as those working for Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the Federal Reserve and 83 per cent of fund managers are joining a swelling chorus of advice for investors that can most succinctly be summed up as: RUN!
Call it a correction, a contraction or a crash, a major stock market disaster is inevitable and imminent, and when it comes, it will be interesting, although useless, to know who the Twit Monger is going to blame.
Verse #3: The Gross Domestic Product has just hit a new, three-year high, is growing at a seasonally adjusted, annualized, inflation-adjusted, combed and curried rate of three per cent, described by the Great Twitipator as GREAT GDP numbers.
The gross domestic product is the government’s guess about the total value of goods and services that changed hands in the country in a given month. The number has been rising constantly since somewhere in the Middle Ages, when I think Conan the Barbarian was president. In the Song of Polly Anna, three per cent growth of the economy is great news, especially when you consider that it occurred right after the impact of three hurricanes!
The thing is, everything that is bought and sold is counted in the GDP, whether or not the purchase is a new car, or a car to replace the one destroyed in the flood. Everything spent to recover from the hurricanes counted as if it was a healthy expansion of the economy, not a desperate clawing back to normalcy after a catastrophe.
Another thing is, the GDP makes no distinction between things bought with cash and things bought with a credit card. It makes a difference. A guy driving a 1978 Ford F-150 pickup may well have more net worth in his paid-for vehicle than a guy driving a brand new Ferrari who owes the bank more than it’s worth. But you have to look at a separate government report, issued on a different date in a different place, to find out that in the month the GDP managed maybe three per cent growth, consumer debt rose by 6.6%. That would be twice as fast. And it puts us consumers pretty much where we were just prior to the 2008 crash — maxed out.
But the song of Polly Anna goes on and on, growth without end, prosperity without end, amen, amen. So why aren’t you singing?
Brings to mind a certain passage by a particular author from a memorable book:
“You are a slow learner, Winston.
How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.
Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”
I have come to wonder if the Stock Market will ever crash. It has become nothing more than a hot air ballon, so detached from earth (as you have hilariously pointed out) and the real economy, long since crashed, that it might just float away to oblivion, a curious dot in the sky barely noticed when it finally settles to earth or is vaporized by the sun.
The tangible physical reality is the aging systems of industrialized civilization are irreversibly using up natural material wealth, degrading the environemntal and producing a wide range of material waste. The intangible money games played by the ignorant in society can do nohing to control this reality.
Hi Tom,
Into the stock, bond and property markets is where we find the release valve for the ever expanding money supply. To do otherwise would result in hyper inflation. You have to admit that the money printing over fundamentals trick has been tried before and I am genuinely impressed that this new spin is being given a go. You have to give the policy makers credit for sheer ingenuity.
QUOTE: ***So why aren’t you singing?***
Because the truth has given me a sore throat.
The simple truth that there are limits to growth. Limits I hear my face is about to ram into.
But, tax cuts and increased military spending, combined with increased inflation and the completion of sucking the life out of the middle class should fix it…right?
The Swiss National Bank Now Owns A Record $88 Billion In US Stocks. Who needs a PhD. Economics is easy.
Economics is a fantasy-based mathematical model of an artificial environment that assigns no cost or accounting to continued pollution of the biosphere, and the version practiced now, Voodoo Economics, which takes place when those in charge believe in “infinite growth on a finite planet” and printing money out of thin air with nothing of substance behind it, is even more delusional.
Is it any wonder that all this fake wealth will instantaneously disappear when the electrical grid collapses, or, likely sooner, when Russia and China (followed by Brazil and India) dump all those worthless pieces of paper they hold back here.
The Fed is boxed in with no more ammunition and an avalanche about to pour in on them. We, the little people will bear most of the brunt of the coming chaos, poverty and collapsed economy.
So we “got THAT going for” us “. . . which is nice.”
Carl Spackler, Caddy Shack